As a result of the pet masacre in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico a new animal protection law emerged, Law 154 of 2008. This law substitutes Law 67 of 1973 and law 107 of 1993 .
Law 154 of 2008, Animal Welfare and Protection Law of Puerto Rico focuses on a multisector coordination between municipalities, government agencies and private organizations, typify crimes and impose penalties.
You can find the translated version of the law on the link below.
Law 154 (Translated)
Law 154
Law 67
According to the law stated above, every municipality should have an animal shelter. It would aliviate the huge problem of stray animals everywhere.
ReplyDeleteIf every municipality should have at least one animal shelter, then why do we still see every day dead animals on the roads? Or abandoned sick animals wondering on the streets? It means that they are not doing their jobs.