Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's wrong with this picture?

My name is José. Today while waiting to enter my music class, my project teacher excitedly told me what had just happened to her. She also had some pictures to support her story.
She stated that:

" This morning on my way to school a group of horses, standing by the road, caught my attention. As I passed I saw another horse about 50 ft. away tangled on a barbed wire fence. Although it was already
7:45 am, I decided to go back and try to free this poor horse. As I got closer I realized that I needed to call the Emergency Management Agency for help. It was then that an off duty police officer by the name of Sergeant Santiago stopped to help. He called the police station and reported the situation. The sergeant was unable to stay since he had his family in the car and was headed to San Juan. I thanked him and waited for help to arrive."
Sergeant Santiago calling the police station

" I was getting worried because the barbed wire was lacerating the horse and I did not know how long he had been there. While waiting I noticed a sign with a phone number of the owner of the property. I called and explained what had happened. About 5 minutes later a Mr Luis Santiago showed up with a rope and a pair of pliers. He calmly placed the rope around the horse's neck and then cut the barbed wire. After making sure the horse could walk alright, he turned it loose."

" I felt really good that the horse would now be alright. When the Emergency Management Team of 3 workers showed up, I was already helping Mr Luis Santiago mend the fence."

At the begining of this post I asked, what's wrong with this picture? The answer is that this happens too often in our community. Most of the stray horses we see roaming around have owners. Irresponsible kids that use these lovely creatures for their illegal activities and for them it's the only worth they see in having them around. They even tie them up by their tails!  That's wrong!

It's also wrong that the Animal Welfare and Protection Law # 154 was passed in 2008, a yet it is now that municipalities such as Juana Díaz are begining to comply with some of the law's demands, but are far from being ready to address or assist any animal in danger. That's wrong!!

There are many good and kind people and they would like to help just like Mr. Luis Santiago in this story. There are also too many that get some kind of rush doing harmfull things to other living creatures. Society has become insensitive to pain and lack empathy. We need to lead by example in order to expect others to do the right thing.  

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