Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tiger's Story

        As Nazhira walked to school, she saw this little kitten struggling in the street in front of our school. She approached it and noticed something was wrong with the way it was moving. She is an animal lover and knew we were working on animal cruelty. Not wanting to leave the kitten, she called our teacher and told her what she had found. Our teacher asked her to bring the kitten to her classroom and put it in a box.  We, Animal Protectors, were informed of the situation and went to check it out. The school bell rang and it was time to go to class.
        While we were in our first period our teacher called the only vet there is in our town of Juana Díaz and made an emergency appointment to bring the kitten to him and after talking to our other teachers we were granted permission to take the kitten, which we named Tiger, to the vet and off we went.
     When we got to the animal hospital it was full of caring owners waiting for their pets to be vaccinated, spayed and neutered or just to give them a check up. Our case was different, we were trying to save Tiger from injuries done to her by an insensible and heartless person.
     The veterinarian, Dr. Rivera, checked Tiger and it broke our hearts when he gave his prognosis. Tiger would die a slow and painful death if not euthanized.
Today we experienced first hand wanting to help an abused and mistreated kitten and feeling the pain of knowing it would die.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Love your pet

This is a video of stray dogs in different places such as the public square and a public school. This becomes a health problem because these animals are sick and people are around them. In school the children sit on the floors of the hallways where these dogs have slept and even defecated. We have to wake up and realize what we are doing to these creatures and how it'll eventually affect us. If you're not going to be responsible for them when they grow up, don't get them when they are puppies because you are just contributing to the chain of abandoned and abused dogs.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Headlines on Animal Cruelty in Puerto Rico

"Police abuse against pitbull"
Agent shoots dog in the mouth twice. Bullets lodged in skull..
13 Marzo 2011
6:00 a.m.
 Denuncian abuso policíaco contra pitbull
Agente estatal introduce arma en la boca del animal y dispara dos veces

According to the news, agents were executing an arrest warrent. While they have their suspect in custody the pitbull named Ali approached the subject and it is when one of the officers put his revolver in the canine's mouth and shot twice. They thought it was dead but the owner, Eldra Santiago Hernández,  rushed Ali to the vet where she was told that the bullets were lodged in the dog's skull, his nose was severly damaged and that the operation Ali had to go through would be very expensive. The dog can be blinded and deaf if not operated soon.   

"Desperatly Looking for Max"
Irregularities during the placement process in animal shelter in Ponce 27 Febrero 2011 6:00 a.m.
“Buscando desesperadamente a Max”
Denuncian irregularidades en proceso de ubicación del albergue de animales de Ponce

According to the news, Mrs. Diana Babin had to leave for an emergency trip but did not want to leave her dog Max alone. She decided to take him to a shelter were the manager of this facility asured her that Max was going to be put in a K-9 Police team. Do to some isues she came back to get her dog and found out that the shelter did not have him and the K-9 Police team did not accept him because of the dogs age, this has been a difficult moment for Diana because she has no idea were her son, companion and family member is.

Impostor Veterinarian almost kills two pitbulls
viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011 03:17 p.m.
Wilma Maldonado Arrigoitía / Primera Hora
Falso veterinario casi mata a dos perros Pitbull en Arecibo

A man, who had habilitated his residence as a veterinary office, almost killed two pitbulls when performing sugery cropping their ears. It happens to be that the man was not a vet, but a nurse and had been practicing surgeries for years. Fortunately, the dogs where taken to a real veterinarian doctor and will not die but as you can see in the picture above were mutilated by this impersonator. Pet owners also have a resonsibility to check for credentials to avoid these situations.

"Dog thrown from a third floor by students"
19 Febrero 2011
6:00 a.m.
Tiran perro desde tercer piso
Estudiantes de una escuela en San Sebastían alegadamente lanzaron al can

Students from a school in San Sebastián, Puerto Rico allegedly tossed a stray dog from the third floor. It came to the attention when teachers started calling the animal shelter and reporting what they have seen. Although the teens deny throwing the dog, some saw them saying "it's flying" while it fell. The dog suffered a hip and front paw injury. The cost of the intervention was estimated in $1,500 which the first veterinarian called to asist refused to do at a much lesser price. Another vet was called and he accepted to help this innocent dog.

There are studies that suggest a direct correlation between animal abusers and later on becoming violent against people.

Could face up to 15 years in prison for dragging a horse
Enfrentaría hasta 15 años de cárcel por arrastrar yegua
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010
Leysa Caro González / Primera Hora

Lisa Embree, Horse Rescue Program of Puerto Rico, has been in charge of the care of the mare called Milagros, and is satisfied with her recovery. ( Primera Hora / Archive / Olimpo Ramos)
On February 7 of 2010 when a seven month old mare refused to walk, the owner decided to tie it to his truck and drag the animal through the streets. Neighbors saw this atrocity taking place, alerted the police and the perpetrator was caught in the act.

The twenty three year old owner, Geogie Lopez Vigo, set a precedent by being the first case of animal cruelty in Puerto Rico to reach the courthouse and was judged by 12 jurors and found guilty.


In November of 2010, Georgie Lopez was sentenced to 12 years in prison for such act of animal abuse.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dead dog buried on sidewalk

In front of our school a car hit and killed a dog. The school director called Emergency Management, agency in charge of disposing of dead animals, and their remedy was to dump dirt right where the dead dog was.
According to the Law 154 of 2008, Animal Welfare and Protection, this agency should have a plan for proper disposal of dead animals and to pick stray dogs and cats to take to shelters. This is not happening!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unacceptable Behavior

This is really an outrage!! Thousands of people witnessed this act and the owl was so badly hurt it had to be put to sleep. That action is a direct reflection of how little regard many people have for other living creatures.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Public Announcement "Government"

A Public Announcement we speak of the lack of importance the government has towards the propper care of stray animals.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Roaming horses in public schools!!!

This video was taken at a school in Juana Diaz, PR. People don't take care of their animals and here we have proof these animals can suffer. People don't see it, but we do, and since they don't speak, we will! because "We are their Voices"!